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FAT diesel recently met in Nottingham at Chris's ranch to record excellent new material. New lyrics will soon be published. The site has a new look, because I recently aquired Dreamweaver 2 from a certiain TRENT who remains unnamed. Many improvements will occur as a result, and the holy grail (ni!) of these could be another site containing MP3s which you, our lovely viewer, can download and enjoy.

Always keep an eye out for subtle changes made to the site - it could be like a game. A game is any activity which makes people happy. Like "pin the extra heavy tail on the diseased donkey", or "blind the cat".

Oh you can laugh about the above. But remember as you chuckle, that over 200% of all road deaths in Britain are caused entirely by falling or fallen cocks, the other 22% being caused by factors such as driver error and malfunctions.