Wow - writing at the bottom of the page and everything - this guy must be some kind of wizard!
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Read on to find out just how to predict that loathsome storm of mine!
I am lEE82, the shameleon. Hence I have MSN messenger if you want to swear at me, alternatively try icq, my number is 51028430. Like the other band members I have two arms, two legs and a face.

This is me
Here is a picture of me. I don't know who the guy holding me up is, but I sure was scared - I though he was going to drop me or something.



Lucky for me
When that ugly guy finally did drop me and I burst, I was instantly reincarnated as him. I took over his life, which was easy because he had so few friends to fool. His family weren't really paying much attention either luckily. Anyway here I am messing around in a mystery corridor.

One last thing...
Kidding of course, thankyou and come again???