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This page is dedicated to that most versatile and delicious of meals, toast. Whether it's breakfast time or you're retiring to bed, toast could be the meal for you!

Toast has to be the most wonderful method of bread preparation the world has ever seen. On one hand it's "only warm bread" (Dave Pannel, 2000), but on the other it can be an extremely varied, if not exotic meal. For many people, the word toast conjures up images of a few slices of hot buttered bread at breakfast time. Delve deeper into the world of toast, however, and as FAT diesel have, you will realise what a widespread and delectable taste-treat toast has become in modern society.
Any type of bread can be used - white, brown, granary etc. combined with any topping, be it simply butter, cheese, jam, honey, peanut butter, cold meats, tinned food or even human flesh.

In America*, bagels are toasted, creating an edible ring of lightly carbonised bread, to which any topping can be added.

Toast is an essential part of an English breakfast, when combined with egg, bacon etc. Not only does it complement the softer foods with its crisp exterior, it can be used to soak up any lipids or left over sauce. Bread is also often shallow fried for the same reason.

Obviously I could go on forever, but that would make your personal experience of toast very boring. I feel that you should explore the world of toast by yourself, trust me - it's more exiting that way. I shall add some toast related links for you below to get you started.

Do you have any stories to tell or comments to make about toast? If so, send an article to and I will publish it on this very page. Remember to include your name, and for smaller toast related comments, or indeed any comments about FAT diesel of the site, please don't hesitate to add an entry to our guest book.

*Are you from America? Can you tell us more about 'toast of the States'? If so, email me as above.

Writtern by Lee "82" Baker


Here is a toast related comment from "Silly Billy: If you're going to have toast, I must recommend PEANUT BUTTER. This delicious and nutritious substance is easily added to over-cooked bread (after a light topping of butter/margarine. HOWEVER, it must be spread VERY thickly (at least 1/4 inch) which means it will stick to the roof of your mouth and get all around your teeth. Think of the toast as a platform for delivery of the peanut butter to the digestive system. Although a good source of protein, I feel I must warn you that it is around 5. (thats where it stops,,, around 5 what? Times more fattening than eating paper perhaps? We'll never know...


My toast life


Now, rather than waste time doing work for my degree course, I've decided to tell about my toast life. Of late, my toast life has gone downhill a bit. I think it's because of the bread I've been using, or maybe the margarine, or maybe I'm just bored with the same old topping crammed in every day before going out. I hope to rejuvenate my toastlife soon, for if I don't i feel I could lose it all together. if you have problems with your toast life, mail me or sign the guest book and we'll talk it over - it's serious, not trivial like they say.


Eat toast, be happy... lEE82

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Talk toast here.
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